
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

WordPress是一个提供WooCommerce的开源平台, 一个电子商务插件,支持全球超过1800万个网站. It is one of the most flexible platforms with high-quality customization features suitable for building scalable and secure ecommerce websites. 超过1000个主题和无限的插件, 你可以建立个性化的电子商务网站,提供切实的商业成果.

使用WordPress看起来很简单, 你仍然需要一些技术帮助来在WordPress上建立你的电子商务商店. However, finding a professional and skilled WordPress ecommerce developer can be a gruelling and time-intensive task.

We break it down for you to hire the best WordPress ecommerce developer with these simple tips and tricks. 继续往下读.

1. 〇了解自己的需求 Before you begin your hunt for the best WordPress ecommerce developer for your website, first understand your project requirements without which you end up wasting your resources mindlessly. 从你的商业目标开始, 你需要在你的网站上实现你的目标和预算的功能. You can then begin your search to find the WordPress ecommerce developer who can build modern ecommerce websites.

2. -电子商务经验 当你接近某人时, find out their experience with the WordPress platform and their experience in the ecommerce arena. Developers who have experience in the ecommerce framework would be able to deliver faster. They would also be familiar with the nuances of the ecommerce frameworks to guide you better and drive tangible results to your business. So, make sure they have solid experience in ecommerce platforms to build a functional and fully featured website.

3. 检查投资组合—— You can find out from their portfolio to know whether they handle B2B or B2C projects, 他们在哪个行业有经验. 你可以看看他们的经验是否对你有益. You can also dig a little deeper into the complexities of the projects they’ve handled. 验证他们在第三方WordPress集成中的经验, payment gateways, CMS support, 库存管理, 目录管理, and more. 通过对投资组合的仔细审查, 你可以检查你的WordPress开发者的所有这些细节.

4. 熟悉最新的升级- WordPress rolls out minor updates almost every alternate day and major updates twice a year. Your WordPress ecommerce developer should stay on top of these updates to keep up with the latest trends and keep your ecommerce store safe and secure. They should be in constant know of the security patches and upgrades to keep any security vulnerabilities at a distance. Also, 通过积极主动地更新, the developer would be able to enhance your store functionality without which your store would be obsolete and remain barren without traffic.

5. Lowball pricing! = Quality - 如果有人愿意以较低的价格提供服务, 那么,不要马上投入,因为从长远来看,你可能会付出更多. You need to focus on the quality services as it has higher returns on your investment. A good WordPress developer would reduce your overhead costs in the long run and fetch you profits. So, don’t make the low prices so enticing that you end up paying the price at a later point in time. 一个有吸引力的低报价可能会毁掉你的整个项目. So, make yourself familiar with the standard market prices before you approach someone.

6. 〇定制服务 一个人应该对客户的要求有适当的了解. Your WordPress developer should have a proper understanding of your website requirements before they start. They should be able to tailormade the services and offer customized solutions to you. You can check their previous work to make sure that they don’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach and strive to deliver personalized services regardless of the business size and scale.

7. 第三方集成— WordPress and WooCommerce come with many third-party plugins and integrations that can enhance the functionality of your ecommerce store. 确保你的WordPress开发者提供第三方集成服务. Especially being an ecommerce store, you should be able to have multiple payment integrations. 此外,他们将能够提供更高的可伸缩性选项. Another notable advantage is you can turn your WordPress ecommerce store into a multivendor marketplace by picking the right integrations. All these are meant to unleash the power of your WordPress ecommerce store meant to put your store on a high pedestal.

8. 开发后支援- 您的电子商务需要持续的维护和支持服务. Your WordPress developer should make sure that there is no downtime for your ecommerce website. 如果需要,他们应该能够提供支持服务. 如果有任何不可预见的问题,在网站的运作, the WordPress ecommerce developer should be able to offer his services for immediate resolution of the issue at hand.

9. Time to Market - Time is money! Well, you need to make sure you get your WordPress ecommerce website to be delivered within the stipulated time. You can evaluate their time-to-market period based on their portfolio and client testimonials. A good WordPress ecommerce developer would be able to deliver a bug-free ecommerce website to you in lesser development time. You can ask for a statement of work to understand the timelines and tasks so that you can easily streamline your project operations and get the work done on time.

10. Cultural Fit? - Often overlooked, but your WordPress ecommerce developer should fit into your company’s culture. They should embrace your organizational values and hence ask the right questions so that they get a chance to demonstrate and embody the values that align with that of your enterprise. Include higher management members of your team to find out if they make the perfect fit for your company.

Final Thoughts

Skynet Technologies has a team of seasoned ecommerce experts and WordPress consultants with unparalleled experience who can help you build the best ecommerce websites that are customized as per your needs and generate revenue for your business.

pg电子官网公司提供端到端服务 WordPress电子商务服务 给我们的客户,随时提供紧急支持. 你是否正在寻找按小时雇用WordPress电子商务开发人员, 按月或固定成本计算, 我们将为您提供技术精湛、经验丰富的专家,以满足您的具体业务需求. You can discuss your requirements with us and let us build world-class ecommerce websites.
